Erectile Dysfunction


  • Powered by SoftWave technology, the ViaSure treatment is scientifically proven to increase blood flow and restore smooth muscle cells, effectively treating the underlying causes of vascular-related performance issues. Which means no drugs, no surgery, and no downtime.

Vaginal Rejuvenation


  • The only true temperature-controlled radiofrequency probe for women’s wellness. The TempSure Vitalia probe is specifically designed for your patient's smaller, hard-to-reach areas. Now you can provide your patients with easy treatments to maintain their wellness without hormones, invasive procedures, or downtime.


  • FemiLift Laser Vaginal Tightening utilizes cutting edge laser technology to quickly and painlessly treat and restore feminine health concerns such as vaginal dryness. It rejuvenates the mucous membranes of the vagina improving blood flow, which helps to ease the symptoms of vaginal dryness. The procedure is performed in the office and there is no downtime.